The healthy school project expands

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On January 10, 2023, the Minister of Tourism and Public Health, Mr. Dangui Oduber, the Minister of Education, Mr. Endy Croes, representatives of the Youth Health Care, Social Affairs, and the Department of Education received a presentation about the healthy school project.

This project is part of the national prevention plan, and the government designated 2023 as the year of prevention in public health.

Since 2020, a national prevention plan in place created with the support of all stakeholders in Aruba and the input of the Pan American Health Organization PAHO. Aruba is one of the few countries in the Caribbean with a national prevention plan. The plan implementation schedule was in 2020, but due to the pandemic that started in March 2020, it was postponed. In 2023, the national prevention plan will come into effect at full speed.

Prevention is vital in healthcare as it improves the quality of life in the community. The Minister believes in awareness campaigns for the public to live healthier lives. Education about nutrition, exercise, and regular medical checkups are essential for the community’s well-being.

It is essential to start with the children in schools to teach them about these healthy habits to reach this goal. They will teach preschool and elementary school children the importance of taking care of their health. With the government’s support, they hope to convince as many schools as possible to join the healthy school project.

Soon a Ministerial decree will be signed by the Minister of Public Health, the Minister of Education, the Minister of Social Affairs, and all Government departments that are part of the Healthy School program. They will disclose more details about this program in a joint press conference when the decree is signed.

The manual Scol Saludabel “Healthy School Approach for Primary Education” (in Dutch) provides more information about this project.