The government of Aruba signed an agreement with CEDE Aruba in connection with the ‘Safe Barios’ project

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On September 25, 2022, during an information fair organized by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Justice, the government of Aruba signed an agreement with CEDE Aruba.

The objective is to improve our community centers and the quality of life of the community members.

The Minister of Justice and Social Affairs, Mr. Rocco Tjon, indicated that it is essential to ensure that all stakeholders also have input to elevate the neighborhood’s security.

During this event, the government of Aruba signed the addendum with CEDE Aruba to launch the Safe barios project, which entails three pillars:

The three pillars are:

Creation of awareness and responsibility among all stakeholders and ensure their participation;

improve infrastructure in the neighborhoods that are also safe for the children;

security – they approved the street lighting project for San Nicolas, where they will install 198 extra light points.

he signing of the addendum with CEDE Aruba will give meaning to these three pillars, where the government will ensure that all community centers get more funding. In this case, CEDE Aruba and Aruba pledged about 2 million florins for more activities in the community centers.

It will offer our youth more opportunities to participate in sports, arts and crafts, music, and educational programs.

Minister Tjon is thankful for the support of the Minister of Integrity, Nature, Transport, and Elderly Care, Ursell Arends, for the programs for the elderly and the Minister of Sports and Education, Endy Croes, for the sports and educational programs, and Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes.