The CCCA Foundation announced their “I’m an Artist” (Mi ta un Artista) musical

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(Oranjestad)—The Zengenue Theater Club from the CCCA Foundation (Create and Conserve Culture & Art in Aruba), under the leadership of Mr. Ferdinand Franca, will be presented on their new musical “I’m an Artist” 2nd and 4th of June 2023. France, who is also directing the play, shares a bit about the musical, its themes and the message behind it.

“I’m an Artist” is dedicated to Samantha Westera Juppa, director of the dance school Club di Movimiento and Sonja Geevers, director of dance school Step by Step.

Franca is an art teacher at Ceque College high school and is a theater director. Last year, he directed the musical called “Plant Today, Harvest Tomorrow” (Planta awe, Cosecha Mañan), which he put together with the help of the Maria College high school in connection with the school’s 80th anniversary. Due to the overwhelming success of this project, Franca decided to continue to produce and direct musical in Papiamento.

With the musical “Plant Today, Harvest Tomorrow”, France achieved in capturing the interest of young people to join the theatrical arts. This year, they will be presented their new musical “I’m an Artist.” The play consists of a cast of 50 young people and 15 young actors. In terms of the dance sequences, Franca explained that he invited the Club di Movimiento dance school, the Kids and Youth in Action dance group and a group of young dancers under the direction of Jason Wester and Shaindra Ashby.

The musical consists of two acts. Act 1 reflects the dreams and wishes of Francine to become a dancer. Her journey is met with different obstacles. Her fairy godparents are there to motivate her and to help her fight for her dream. Act 2 reflects the inner battles of Francine to achieve her dreams and become the person she wishes so much to become.

“Both acts touch on the themes of desire, going after your passions, not giving up, thinking clearly and having an open heart, among other. The musical contains various genres of music, innovative theater techniques, modern dance and visual arts. It is a humorist and magical work of art, which invites the audience to take something from it,” Franca stated.

The CCCA Foundation has the goal to prepare young children and adults for the theatrical arts, so that they can conserve the art and culture of Aruba. This is the foundation’s second musical, and there will be many more in the future. The Foundation is also investigating, documenting and publicizing all that is art and culture on the island.

A ticket for “I’m an Artist” is 25 florins and is available at Cas di Cultura and Plaza Bookshop in the down town area. You can also call +297 7309696 to ask for a ticket or for more information.

“We wanted to thank Unoca, the Department of Culture, BK Consult and Mixed Media for their amazing support in making this musical a reality. We would also like to thank the parents and students who are participating. We invite all children and adult to be a part of our musical showcase and support our local talent. They are the ones that will become our future artists,” Franca Finalized.