The Aruba Tourism Authority honors loyal visitors

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The Aruba Tourism Authority takes pride in honoring loyal Aruba visitors who have been coming to the island for many years consecutively. The honorees receive a certificate and an honorary title based on the amount of years they have been coming.

The titles are as follow: 10+ years “Distinguished Visitor”, 20+ years “Goodwill Ambassador” and 35+ years “Emerald Ambassador”. These certificates are a way to say “Masha Danki” for continuously choosing Aruba as a favorite vacation destination.

Jonathan Boekhoudt, representative of ATA had the pleasure to honor Emerald Ambassadors, Norman and Patricia Stockman from Florida and Giovanna Gollinge from New Jersey. The honorees stated that they love coming to the island for its beautiful weather, friendly people and the staff at the Playa Linda resort.

Also honored were John and Elaine Burick from Texas, who were honored as Goodwill Ambassadors due to their 20th consecutive visit to Aruba. Marouska Heyliger representing the Aruba Tourism Authority conducted the ceremony which was held at the Costa Linda resort.  The couple loves coming back to Aruba for the great weather, friendly people, abundant activities and easy feel of the island.