Successful Cultural Parade in connection with the day of Brazil

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On Sunday, September 4, the annual Cultural Parade took place in Brazil in connection with the celebration of Brazil Day.

This year the Chico Harms Foundation organized the 10th edition of the Cultural Parade. They did not hold the parade in 2020 due to the pandemic, but this year it was organized by the Chico Harms Foundation and the Pro-Culture Foundation, who knew how to organize a parade full of ambiance and music.

The parade left at 3 pm from the Centro de Bario Brazil, went through the streets of Brazil and its neighborhood, and ended at the Centro de Bario Brazil. A total of 8 groups, with more than 1,000 people, participated in this parade. All the spectators, from adults to children, enjoyed the ambiance and danced to the rhythm of cultural music. What stood out a lot in this Cultural Parade was the creativity, the colors, and, without a doubt, the spectacular ambiance.

The Government congratulates Mr. Chico Harms of the Chico Harms Foundation, Pro-Culture Foundation, volunteers, and all who contributed to making the Cultural Parade so successful.