Silver Wolves Artist Management signed; Brithney Augusta and Dante Marcano are on the road to international acclaim

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Willemstad – Yesterday, November 6th, Silver Wolves Artist Management, the premier company on the island of its kind, in a flurry of celebration, signed two talented youngsters to their ranks.

The youngsters in question are Brithney Augusta and Dante Marcano. These two up-and-coming artists are talented beyond compare and are raring to go.

The event took place at the in-house Starbucks at the Renaissance hotel.

In accordance with their vision and mission statement, Silver Wolves Artist Management was more than eager to sign these two awesomely talented young people. It is Silver Wolves’ goal to guide these young artists to international fame through a structured approach and determined resolve.

At 16 years old, Brithney Augusta has the voice of a seasoned and legendary artist, the likes of which Curacao has not seen in a long time.

She is what is called a “powerhouse singer” and reminds us of legends like Whitney Houston and Aretha Franklin.

Dante Marcano already has an unmatched and forgettable voice at the tender age of 18.

With his deep bass/baritone vocals he can make a room tremble and then counter it with a flawless falsetto.

Their stage presence gives one the sense as if they have been doing this for decades.

Curaçao can now proudly boast of two new artists coming to the stage, with their sights set on international fame.


Entrepreneur Javier Magdalena and well-known tenor Kadir Snijder founded Silver Wolves Artist Management on November 18, 2016, and created a one-stop shop for artists with the intention of launching these local artists to an international level with a full-service package.

This means that Silver Wolves Artist Management can give full guidance from the first steps of any artist turning them into real professional artists.

Being a record label, artist management company, and organizing entertainment on any level, they are giving value and credence to their symbolic image, the wolf, which is a fierce animal whom you will never see performing in a circus. He is respected and revered.


One will soon hear more about Brithney Augusta and Dante Marcano who have already started taking big artistic steps.

For more information please contact Silver Wolves Artist Management via e-mail: or visit