Rotaract Club of Aruba: Helping 297 children with school supplies

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The members and volunteers of Rotaract Club of Aruba can truly look back on a different, yet successful, edition of their annual ‘Back to School Project’. This year marks the 28th edition Rotaract Club of Aruba had organized this project, which is aimed towards helping children in need with school supplies. ‘The Back to School Project’ was the very first project the club organized since it was founded in 1991 and as such, has become an annual project which the members feel very passionate about.

Throughout the months of July and August, members and volunteers of the club seek help from the local community for donations to the cause, whether it be monetary or product donations. Rotaract Club of Aruba is extremely happy and grateful for the positive response, enthusiasm and support they had received from the community, which made this projects execution extremely impactful. The club was able to collect various school supply items, which allowed them to create multiple complete school packages for each child. These were handed out to the children who are most in need of them.

This year was very different due to the COVID-19 situation. However, this served to push the members to become more creative and innovative to be able to give the community the support and assistance it needed and deserved. ‘The Back to School Project’ was able to provide 297 children with school bags filled with necessary school supplies, to be able to positively and successfully start off their new school year. This was all possible due to the generous donations from private members of the community, clients of Dyon Center and of course, the sponsors. The club is also grateful towards members and volunteers of Rotaract Club of Aruba who all together were able to make this project as big and impactful as it became.

Rotaract Club of Aruba surpassed their goal of complete packages and were hereby able to support and help out other foundations with their own projects of ‘Back to School and hand over complete packages. These organizations included; Fundacion Pa Nos Comunidad, Interact Club of Aruba Colegio Arubano, Mi voz ta bo voz and Futuro Briyante.

Rotaract Club of Aruba wishes to extend their heartfelt thanks to their members and committee, who worked hard to organize this impactful project to make it a success and especially, a thanks to the community of Aruba for all their support. Rotaract Club of Aruba would also like to thank Rotary Club of Aruba and Interact Club of Aruba for their assistance during this project.
Rotaract Aruba also wishes to express their profound gratitude for the cooperation and contributions that this project received from Dyon Center and Aruba Bank.

Lastly, Rotaract Club of Aruba would also like to thank: The Lab Boutique Digital Marketing Agency, Don Taylor & Co, Impex, Giannis Nutrition Center, ACCS, Cool FM, Fresh FM, Canal 90, Heart Radio, Julie Julie, Radio Aruba, Top 95, 24 ora, Power FM, Magic FM, Caliente FM, Hits FM, Radio Galactica, Print Xpress Aruba, Rygell Isabella and Jair Vesprey for the catchy jingle, and of course all the members of the press who have always supported our projects and helped us get the word out there.

Once again, Rotaract Club of Aruba wants to thank the community of Aruba for their support and passion for this ongoing project. For every kind of donation that was given and that helped contribute to help provide school supplies for children in need. Only together, can we help our community move forward during these difficult times.

Conclusively, Rotaract Club of Aruba wants to wish all students a successful, safe and healthy 2020-2021 school year!

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”- Nelson Mandela.