Prince Bernhard Caribbean Culture Funds looking for projects for 2023

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Prince Bernhard Caribbean Culture Funds informed via social media that they opened a registry for cultural projects, funds for talented kids and for the development and care of Aruba for their first round of 2023. The deadline to complete all requirements is April 1st.

The Prince Bernhard Caribbean Culture Funds, better known as PBCCG, is a private and independent foundation with the goal to support different activities and funds within the 6 islands in the Dutch Caribbean—like Aruba Curacao, Bonaire, St. Maarten, St. Eustasius and Saba—through the concession of subsidy in order to maintain the culture and nature in these island countries. Their goal is also to help further develop the island and keep stimulating improvement.

Each year, they fund more than 170 private and institutional projects in different areas.

PBCCG is a modern way of cultural sponsorship, supporting especially the conservation and celebration of culture and nature, which can be described as a good cause within a good cause. A fund consists of specific goals for the culture and nature which aligns with the main goal of the organization.

The people who create a fund can do this in both life and death, by creating a fund in their name. The rules of the funds will be determined by PBCCG.

To apply for funding, you need to be able to demonstrate that your project aligns with the specifics of the fund. You would also need to be living in any of the 6 islands in the Dutch Kingdom and be able to development projects in one or more areas.

Those that are not eligible for funding are the own government of the country, government departments, administrative departments and institutional education, especially if these are involved in political activities.

In terms of the projects themselves, they must be related to any of the 6 focus areas, which include History and Literature, Visual Arts, Theater, Music, Dance, Cultural Education, Cultural Conservation and Preservation of Monuments. These areas must consist of qualitative and sustainable characteristics directed to the public that take part in the local culture.

In June last year, the foundation announced that they have signed an agreement to create a new ‘funds under a name’ (FON) in Aruba, which will be under their management.

June 2nd of 2022 was a special day for the foundation, as they introduced this new project. The FON project means a fund created with the name of a company or individual. Currently, they have created a fund for the Koeman family, where they will be providing opportunities for another group to receive subsidy, according to honorary board member Alice van Romondt.

Paola Koeman, representative for the Koeman family, indicated that her family considers art and culture on Aruba as an important area to further develop and support. They have received many petitions for cultural initiatives. For this reason, they have decided to lend a helping hand to the area of culture in Aruba in a structural way.

Koeman informed that they have decided to give support to PBCCG, where they will focus on stage art for children, platforms for musicians, dancers and story tellers—especially those groups that usually fade in the back ground.

Head of office for PBCCG, Melanie Sloot, expressed that this organization supports art, culture and nature projects on the 6 islands within the Dutch Caribbean. Other organizations, families or individuals who are able could also create a FON, so they can give back to the community.

To make a petition, those interested with a plan for a specific project in Aruba and who check all requirements can visit