Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes met with representative of Bonaire, Nina Heyer

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“We are two countries with different status but similar challenges, and together we can better face these challenges”

Prime minister of Aruba, Evelyn Wever-Croes received a visit from representative of Bonaire, Mrs. Nina Heyer. Mrs. Heyer has ten years in politics, focused primarily on the field of poverty, community wellness, and education. Mrs. Heyer is visiting Aruba in order to take part in a conference between all six islands of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Caribbean on the topic of Education.

Aruban minister of Education, Mr. Endy Croes is the person in charge of guiding this conference.

Taking the opportunity of her visit to Aruba, the prime minister held a meeting with Mrs. Heyer in order to discuss various topics of interest between Aruba and Bonaire. At the same time, they talked about how these two islands can help each other.

Prime minister Wever-Croes indicated that Aruba and Bonaire are two islands with different status, but that are facing similar challenges, and if they stand together they can face these challenges better.

In a press release, premier Wever-Croes said: “The meeting went very well, we reached agreements, and in the coming days we will give more content to them.”