Plenipotentiary minister present at conmemoration at Nationaal Indië-monument 1945-1962

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Alternate Plenipotentiary Minister of Aruba in the Netherlands, mr. Ady Thijsen, by invitation of Stichting Indië Monument, was present at the national commemoration at Roermond, the Netherlands.

During the ceremony at the Nationaal Indië-monument 1945-1962 all military personnel who lost their lives between 1945 and 1962 in Nederlands Indië, currently Indonesia, are remembered. This is a day where all military personnel who lost their lives during peace missions of the United Nations are remembered.

The national commemoration was attended by the prime minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte; vice-president of Tweede Kamer (Dutch Congress), Martin Bosma; presidente of Eerste Kamer (Dutch Senate), Jan Anthonie Bruin; King’s Commissioner for Limburg, Emile Roemer, as well as other dignitaries.

Premier Rutte gave a speech a laid a wreath in the name of the Council of Ministers at the monument.

Afterwards, various military and civic representatives laid wreaths on the monument. This was followed by a parade by the guests, military and civil authorities, and visitors.

Images are courtesy of Arubahuis.