Paper Cutting: the New Projecting Art

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With a ‘Solo Expo’ at Galeria ArtisA San Nicolas

ArtisA, the sole gallery of Art in San Nicolas is going all out to receive the Solo Exhibition of Paula Nupieri Domacassé, this Friday Augustus 16th, from 7:00PM to till 11:00PM. Creating fantastic pieces of paper cutting art in black and white, the artist converted herself in a unique form of unrivaled freedom and creativity. Nowadays Domacassé has evolved and uses more and more impacting color schemes to emphasize this expression of art.

The artist is a faithful participant in the Aruba Art Fair and participates with her spectacular art of Paper Cutting. The art of paper cutting we classify in the category of paper design. This art form evaluated steadily and is nowadays seen globally. In this way it adapted its style to various classes of each culture.

The artist Domacassé, at the age of 6, enrolled at the Municipal Institute of Art in Avellaneda, where she educated herself in music, plastic art, expression, photography and at the same time followed different private drawing courses. Her wish was to become an actress. She took part as a musical star in musical comedies at the Institute of Rio Plateado of Hugo Midon and afterwards proceeded in the branch of TV acting at the Acting Institute of Eliseo Subiela. The artista nato multifaceted and went ahead to develop herself in the art of drawing and during a Tedex Conference she discovered through the intermediation of popular artist Beatrice Coron, the art of Paper Cutting. From there on the rest is history.

The born Argentina met her husband, Henry Domacassé and after a very long engagement on a distance, they decided to tie the knot and establish in Curacao. After a period of nine years the couple switched to Aruba and made this island their residency. They fell totally in love with their new home and especially the warmth of Aruba’s people, the wonderful climate and the full-fledged hospitality. Aruba became the place where their daughter Nicole saw the light of day.

ArtisA is located at B van der Veen Zeppenfeldtstraat 14 in San Nicolas. They are open for the public from 9:00 am – 6:00 pm. For more information visit their Facebook page ArtisA.q