Painting workshop at Ateliers ’89 with Brazilian artist Dora Longo Bahia

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Starting Monday April 12, 2021, Ateliers’89 welcomes acclaimed Brazilian artist and teacher Dora Longo Bahia for a painting workshop. Although painting has been declared dead a number of times, it is very much alive for Dora Longo Bahia. Dora’s work and artistry is characterized by a strong commitment and involvement with the world in which she functions as an artist. It is precisely by constantly being aware of this and expressing this in her work that painting remains alive, contemporary and relevant for her.

In this workshop Dora also wants to challenge the participants to think about the impact their painting has on their daily lives. Can they appeal to their environment through their paintings and influence or even change it? Together with Dora they learn to take the next step in their development by walking new paths, coloring outside the lines and so taking risks in their work. For example, by working on paintings not only individually but also collectively.

It promises to be an extremely inspiring workshop under the guidance of an experienced teacher with a young mind. The working period will be concluded with an exhibition of the works made.

About the artist

Dora Longo Bahia (1961 São Paulo, Brazil) is a Multimedia artist living and working in São Paulo. From 1984 she worked with scenography, illustration and performance. Since the 1990s, her paintings have mainly talked about the urban condition when dealing with themes such as violence, sex and death. Since 1993 she has been an illustrator for Folha de São Paulo. Between 1994 and 2018 she was banned as a professor at various leading art academies. But she also played in the punk band Disk-Putas and is still active as a musician in the rock bands Verafisher and Maradonna. Dora Longo Bahia’s work has been featured in numerous exhibitions, including the Havana Biennale.

To register call +297 565 4613 or send an email to The workshop will take place at Dominicanessenstraat 34, in Oranjestad, every Monday and Thursday from 6.30pm to 9.30pm, starting April 12th until May 6th, 2021. Seats are limited.