Opening of Aruba’s border: Requirements for tourists for entry into Aruba as well as once in Aruba

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The Government of Aruba announces the opening of the border in a gradually process. For the incoming visitors certain requirements apply.

Opening border.
June 15 flights from Bonaire and Curaçao can come in and out again. From July 1st visitors from Europe, Canada and the Caribbean (except for the Dominican Republic and Haiti) are welcome again. The border will be open to the tourists from the USA as per July 10th. There is no opening date yet for Central and South America.

Entry Requirements prior to boarding

– Mandatory ED card to be filled in – this will be available online as of June 25th
– Self health declaration form to be submitted 72 hours prior to travel
– Visitors are encouraged to take a COVID-19 test (PCR) before traveling and to upload the test results to a new digital platform that the Aruba authorities are setting up. Alternatively visitors will need to pre-pay for a mandatory test upon arrival in Aruba (price initially indicated at US$75)
– Must have Aruba COVID-19 medical insurance coverage (insurance to be provided by insurance companies based in Aruba). An indication of the insurance cost was given by the Minister of Tourism and this was US$15 per insured person per day.
– Must consent to cooperate with all Aruba’s COVID-19 procedures and instructions including testing (if applicable), quarantine etc.
– Must wear a mask on the flight to Aruba (not required while vacationing on the island but recommended nonetheless where social distancing is more of a challenge).

Queen Beatrix International Airport, port of entry Aruba airport

Upon arrival there will be additional procedures at the Aruba airport:

– Temperature screening
– Obligatory PCR testing of ALL arriving passengers (except for those who have previously submitted proof of a PCR test)  and a mandatory 24-hour quarantine at the traveler’s accommodation while awaiting test results.
– Visitors who have submitted proof of a negative test during their ED card application will receive a temperature check and health interview by a medical professional, and if cleared, no further testing or 24-hour quarantine will be applicable to them
– Visitors who test positive will be transported to alternative accommodations for isolation and will not be staying at their originally reserved accommodations until recovered, at which point they can resume their vacation or depart from Aruba.
– Quarantine will be required for travel companions of a person who is suspected to be positive until the test results are available
– Travel companions of a person who is confirmed to be positive will need to go into quarantine for 14 days.

The Aruba Government has stated that procedures are subject to change and updates will be provided accordingly.