Opening Immerse 2021

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On October 18, 2021, Immerse Aruba opening event 2021 kicked off at the Renaissance Festival Plaza.

The evening kick starting the series of innovative workshops organized to create and share innovation throughout Innovation month. Prime minister Evelyn Wever-Croes, gave a welcoming speech to start off the evening, followed by Minister Geoffrey Wever, Minister of Economics, Communication and Sustainable Development, who gave an informative speech about the upcoming plans entrepreneurship in Aruba. Immerse Aruba innovation week brings together the private sector, NGOs, public institutions, students, entrepreneurs, and investors on the island in a joint mission to accelerate innovative thinking. “The Government’s vision for innovation is based on the need for change and diversification and their commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals 2030. These goals require a complete transformation, and business as usual is not enough. By incorporating innovation into the national strategy for sustainable development, provides the opportunity to catch the wave and achieve these goals.” the Prime Minister said during her speech. The Prime Minister emphasized that the changes should focus not only on knowledge but also on creativity. Aruba is known for its creative and cultural innovation. It is inspired by the challenges encountered as a community. “Our creativity and imagination have no limits and put to the test during the pandemic. As Arubans, we bonded by our creativity, curiosity, and being open-hearted. We have all that it takes to seize unique opportunities to create new products and services needed in Aruba and the world”, the Prime Minister expressed. In the 21st century, the small size of Aruba is no longer a threat but rather an advantage. The start of the “IMMERSE Innovation Month” is the best way to start. The Government of Aruba wants to encourage the youth, those experienced and all citizens without exclusion, to join this movement full of opportunities to challenge the status quo. “The hope is to create an environment where it is ok to think differently, to try doing new things or doing things differently to reach homegrown solutions. If there is something that I mentioned a few times, is that the things we do not lack are ideas and creativity.
It takes one single idea to transcend the limits of our shores. The Prime Minister urged everyone to “keep the conversation going” and thanked those present for celebrating innovation.