New Moon Yoga & Sound Bath

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New Moon event is here! Get ready to explore nos dushi isla (our sweet island) with the New Moon! Let’s have a beautiful time coming back into the best version of ourselves by diving into an hour of yoga, breath work and live sound bath, inspired in our intentions for this New Moon. Don’t know how to create your intentions? No worries! We’ll guide you through the best energies available.This event is on Wednesday September 16th at 8pm at Eagle Beach. Note from the organization: Please be COVID-safe! If you have experienced any symptoms in the last couple of weeks, please stay home. Keep social distance and masks are welcome.

Yin Yoga & breath work

Yin Yoga is a gentle yet deep practice of different Asanas, targeting the deepest tissues in the body, glands, energy centers and meridians by holding each pose for 2 minutes or more. Breath work is, as the name points out, working with our breath and body to shift our awareness from reactiveness to stillness, by infusing our body with oxygen and then suspending the breath for certain amount of time. By doing this practices the body and its systems automatically shift into relaxation, energetic channels open up and we flow from the sympathetic (fight and flight) to the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest).

Give yourself the gift of reconnecting with your true nature trough 50min of gentle movements, stillness of the mind and subtle energy awareness. All levels and ages are most welcome, in love, acceptance and compassion to all our different body types and needs.

Sound healing

For the entire duration of the event, we will be invited to dive deep into our inner journey and connecting with our highest, best, most loving version of ourselves inspired by the beautiful, soothing and healing vibrations of sound and music. With the blessing and powerful energies of seven Crystal Quartz singing bowls to guide us in, especially during Savasana (relaxation time and the end of our event), tuned at the healing frequencies of 432Hz (frequency aligned with the “heartbeat of our planet” and known for promoting deep states of relaxation, recovery, offering less anxiety, emotional healing, greater intuition, amongst other qualities), we will have the honor of welcoming Xavi Waves as a special guest on the guitar and as a Shamanic energetic space holder.

Setting intentions

A life lived with purpose is a powerful one, since energy flows where intention goes. To start the practice they will use techniques that will help you visualize with clarity our best and most loving experiences for this lifetime and we will proceed to write down a set of intentions we would want to see happening for us, aligned with our visualizations, hopes and dreams. We will share tools during our practice, like clear and strong affirmations, to help us manifest our heart’s desires and soul calling into this material reality.

Earthing ceremony

We will embody the New Moon in Virgo energies by having an grounding ceremony for ourselves and our intentions, for the next six months cycle. We will offer our intentions to the Earth, inviting her fertility to help us manifest our intentions into physical existence.

Giving back

As a divine guidance and soul mission, we are all called to serve this Earth, Mother Gaia, Pachamama, honour those who came before us, our fathers, mothers, ancestors and all living beings sharing the world alongside us. And so we invite you to do so as well. If you feel inspired to give back to Earth, feel free to bring organic produce, fruits, flowers (if they grow in your yard, even better!), honey, or make your own traditional meal to share with the one who sustains our life. Our intention is to honor and give back, with beauty, art, joy and in love!

The location for the event is Google maps location: GWWR+X8. Eagle Beach, J.E. Irausquin Blvd 55, Oranjestad, Aruba. The event has a small participation fee, please check One Happy Yogi Facebook page for more information. Registration is required. All donations are welcomed, nobody will be turned down.