‘Masha Danki’ to honorary guests

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Recently, Mario Arends, representative of the Aruba Tourism Authority had the great pleasure in honoring many loyal Aruba visitors with their distinctive certificates. These certificates are a way to say “Masha Danki” for continuously choosing Aruba as a favorite vacation destination. The certificates are presented on behalf of the Minister of Tourism. The titles are as following: 10+ years   “Distinguished Visitor”, 20+ years “Goodwill Ambassador” and 35+ years “Emerald Ambassador”.  


Manuel and Linda Cruz from New Jersey received the honorary title of Emerald Ambassadors. They have been coming to the island for more than 35 years consecutively. The lovely couple stated that they love coming to the island for its beautiful weather, friendly people and the staff at the Barcelo resort. On the picture are the honorees with friends and family, Barcelo staff and ATA representative.

Robert and Janice Cook from Pennsylvania were honored as Distinguished Visitors. Mario Arends, on behalf of the Aruba tourism Authority, thanked them for choosing Aruba as their vacation destination and as their home away from home for so many years together with the members of Caribbean Palm Village. The honorees mentioned that they love coming to the island for the beautiful beaches, friendly people of the Island and great weather.

Also honored were loyal and friendly visitors Valerie RyKowski and Louis Garcia from New York and Sheila Poeppel Trudo from New Mexico, who received the certificate of Goodwill Ambassadors. The ceremony took place at their beloved home in Aruba, Caribbean Palm Village.


Rosemarie and Oscar Mauriello from Massachusetts also received a splendid surprise form the Aruba Tourism Authority as they have been honored as Goodwill Ambassadors. This lovely couple have been coming for years and enjoyed their stay at theior beloved Marriott Surf Club.