Marking Mental Health Day with a productive workshop; Playa Linda maintains a happy, healthy resort

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Playa Linda Beach Resort keeps its intimate feel on the busy Palm Beach strip through the warm hospitality always shared with its guests. It’s high standard of guest care is founded on an equally high level of care for its team members.

The most recent example of this was in marking World Mental Health Day this past Monday, October 10, with a productive workshop open to all employees. The lecture and team building session, led by Veryunique Guidance, provided the opportunity to talk openly about the importance of mental health and self care, and focused in on solutions when faced with emotional or stressful situations.

“Balance is the main goal, not just the home and work balance, but also how to keep one’s mental health in balance,” explains Human Resources Manager Gina Adonis. “Our team of employees is essential to achieving a happy, healthy resort environment. World Mental Health Day provided the opportunity to also stress how important it is to also find a deeper level of understanding and compassion for oneself.”

The recent workshop spoke on the best holistic practices toward these goals, speaking toward find one’s own center as a best practice. The ability of Playa Linda employees to offer their best daily is the result of a supportive work environment, and the workshop utilized this in having employees explore ideas about mental health together. The employees who signed up for the workshop expressed positive remarks about the experience for its enlightening topics and tips.

Playa Linda Beach Resort’s ability to deliver an outstanding vacation experience has always been based on the connections resort employees make with guests as much as it is the beautiful vacation environment offered by the resort. At the heart of the popular timeshare’s success is teamwork, and the sense of family it fosters among owners and guests as well as employees. In the continuous pursuit of securing the wellbeing of its Playa Linda community, the recent World Mental Health Day workshop represented another way toward coming together through a higher level of understanding.