Honoring of loyal visitors at Divi Tamarijn

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Recently, Darline de Cuba had the great pleasure to honor a Loyal and friendly visitors of Aruba as Goodwill Ambassadors & Distinguished Visitors at their home away from home. The symbolic honorary title is presented on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, as a token of appreciation to the guests who visit Aruba between 10-20-35 and more consecutive years. 

The honorees were:

Brian & Diane Carlos residents of Windsor Locks who have been visiting the Island for 20 years consecutively.

Amanda Price resident of Connecticut who has also been visiting the Island for 20 years consecutively and

Ryleigh Mc. Donald a resident of Windsor Connecticut who has been visiting the Island for 10 consecutive years.

The honorees stated that they love coming to the island for its lovely people, to relax by the beaches, the great weather and excellent food.

Ms. De Cuba together with Mr. Francis Ridderstap of the Divi Tamarijn thanked them for choosing Aruba as their vacation destination and as their home away from home for so many years.q