Honor to Connor Steelband Extravaganza 2nd edition

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Sweet Pan Music Productions would like to invite you to the 2nd edition of ’Honor to Connor Steelband Extravaganza. This will take place on Saturday January 18th, 2020 at Charlie’s Bar in San Nicolas from 6-10PM.

Honor to Connor Steelband Extravaganza will be honoring the 1st pioneer of Steel Pan music of Aruba the laid Mr. Edgar Connor and at the same time spicing it up with a celebration of Carnival 66. Connor was a big supporter of Aruba’s Carnival during its early years. Charles Brouns of Charlie’s Bar and Stanley Dabian of the Department of Culture are great believers of this project and give their total support for the continuity of the steel pan music in Aruba.

Nico Connor, Lee Connor and Eugene Jones continue to encourage steel bands, steelpan artists and youngsters in order to increase more interest in the steel pan instrument and in this way continue their contribution to Aruba’s heritage and Culture.

Musical performances are by The Boys Pan Experience, young musicians Marver Guedez and Karlson Peterson, students of Aruba Panman Foundation, The Aruba Invaders, Cocorico in Motion Carnival Dancer and much more. The main street in front of Charlie’s Bar will be closed off. Food and drinks are also available and the entrance will be free. Come and join in on this fun event where rhythm and culture go hand in hand.

For more information checkout the Facebook page Sweet Pan Music.