Holiday Inn Resort Aruba celebrates: 50 shades of happiness

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October 22 in 1969 was exactly 50 years ago that the Holiday Inn Resort rooted in Aruba. It is the only resort on the island that kept its original brand for all those years. The resort threw a big feast for their guests and outside invites including live music, food buffets, bars, fireworks and a carnival show. Happiness, fun, appreciation and bonding were the key words that apply to the celebration. It felt like it was each guest’s private anniversary.

When you celebrate your 50th birthday, some might see you as being “over the hill.” In contrast, the Sarah tradition in the Netherlands (Aruba is part of the Dutch Kingdom) honors a woman gaining wisdom through experience. It is a milestone birthday that many look forward to. When it comes to resorts the experience counts thus we can easily state that Holiday Inn Resort is a very wise woman standing strong and dynamic. She is young at heart, wise in mind.

Welcome home mama.
Jumping from the symbolic description above to tangible examples of female support we’d like to introduce to you Mrs. Chris Ayerli from Pennsylvania. “I have been coming to the Holiday Inn for 50 years. When they open the cab door they say: welcome home mama. I watched most of the staff grow up here. This resort is my private pool of valium.” She loves the beaches, the ocean but for all the people. “When I visited the first time in 1967 this hotel was not even here. This part was only palm trees and Divi Divi trees visited by wild goats and iguanas. We used to bike from one end to the other. I made friends here, they are my extended family.” She will never go to another place than the Holiday Inn. “I have my ocean front room, I don’t do laundry. I have my own driver and the staff that is my family.” Her friend Helen Fishman is with her husband Yuri and father Gene Bodenstein from New York. “We are celebrating our 29th anniversary here and we spend 23 of them at the Holiday Inn. We come three times a year in May, October and Christmas. This is my happy place. They take care of my dad when he is alone here, they take all your worries away. I love this resort, it is paradise.” Father Bodenstein proudly mentions that seven grandchildren grew up here and are still visiting. “Look, this celebration of 50 years is typical of how they the resort treats its guests, they put in all of it. We celebrate Aruba and Holiday Inn today.”

Shout- out to the invited.
The Holiday Inn Resort’s Oceanside terrace was packed Tuesday night and the resort is thankful with the joyful, happy, appreciative guests. The live music band …… got the public dancing their heart out and the tremendous food buffets and bars tickled everyone’s taste buds. Big surprise was the impressive fireworks above the ocean followed by a real Aruban carnival parade. For sure the Holiday Inn Resort Aruba celebrated with a bang!

Holiday Inn Resort Aruba-Beach Resort & Casino

J. E. Irausquin Boulevard #230, Palm Beach

Oranjestad, Aruba

Telephone: +297 586 3600