Global Money Week – Aruba

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ORANJESTAD — The 2nd edition of Global Money week Aruba (GMW) presented by the Centrale Bank of Aruba is ready to start. This will take place from April 2nd until April 5th, 2019. A total of 700 students will be taking part in this event where they will learn different financial topics in an interactive way.

The topics are about our currency, the history and characteristics of it, how to save, how to manage money responsibly, innovative ideas and the importance of giving back to the community. School children of the 5th and 6th grade of different elementary schools will undertake a scavenger hunt at downtown San Nicolas. During the scavenger hunt the school children will be passing through 7 stations and learn, earn, save, spend, share, innovate and discover.

The Central Bank of Aruba joined forces with different financial institutions on the island to make this event possible: Aruba Bank, Banco di Caribe, Caribbean Mercantile Bank, CIBC First Caribbean, RBC, Ennia, Fundacion Museo Arubano, FUTURA, IDEA, Guardian Group, Kiwanis Club of Aruba, Setar and Qredits.

Follow the Facebook page Global Money Week Aruba for more information. q