Getting to know ARUBA

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Aruba, a mix of tropical flair, European charm and Latin flavor, no wonder we enjoy the highest repeat visitor rate of any Caribbean destination.

Our land…

Aruba is located in the heart of the southern Caribbean, 16 miles from the South American coastline. The island is 19.6 miles long and 6 miles across at its widest point, with a total area of 70 square miles.

Aruba’s topography and vegetation are unusual for a Caribbean island. On the south and west coasts are miles of pristine white beaches that rank among the most beautiful in the world, rimmed by calm blue seas with visibility in some areas to a depth of 100 feet. The northeast coast along the windward shore is rugged and wild. The interior is desert-like, with a variety of cacti and dramatic rock formations. The island’s most famous trees are the watapana (divi) trees, all permanently sculpted into graceful southeast-bending shapes by the constant trade winds.

Our weather…
Except for a few scattered weather events annually and perhaps some limited showers on some days (welcomed by our tropical plants!), the sun does indeed always shine here. The average temperature is 82 degrees F. The hottest months are from May through October and the coolest months are from December through March. The greatest likelihood of precipitation is from October through January.

Our people…

There are about 110,000 inhabitants on Aruba, representing more than 96 different nationalities – all living peacefully together. Hospitality remains a strongly engrained tradition. Official languages are Dutch as well as the native tongue of Papiamento. Most Arubans are fluent in English and Spanish as well. Papiamento is a lilting, melodic language, evolved over the centuries

Our visitors

Aruba attracts more than 800,000 international visitors annually and enjoys the highest return rate in the Caribbean. Perfect weather, hospitable people and world-renowned beaches are the most compelling factors for return visits. Also important are the island’s mix of luxury high-rise and casual low-rise resorts, unique natural beauty and culture and abundant land and sea activities, safety and security and long-time friendships.