Episode CXX – 120: In the beginning

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Article by Etnia Nativa call us 592 2702 and book your experience!

The construction of the first high rise hotel, Aruba Caribbean Hotel and Casino, attracted the jetset and famous Hollywood movie stars. It was beneficial for our island seeing that there was a yearly-increasing wave of sight –seers in the Caribbean area due to this architectural landmark. In this manner, it was hoped that a considerable source of income would be opened up for the island.

Before July 1958, this area known as Palm Beach, could only be reached by secondary roads, now it was connected with Oranjestad and the airfield by a modern boulevard sided by palm trees that opened on May 1st, 1958. The coastal area that meant to be a tourist resort zone is now of easy access.

The intrinsic nature and indispensable quality of this travel destination, relies on its age old desert landscape, its surrounding oceans, beaches and its cultural heritage, but most of all is its friendly protagonists of our tourist industry, being the islands key attraction factor and its success.

Since 1950 plans were made to attract cruise ships to the Paardenbaai (Horses’ Bay) in Oranjestad. The arrival of the first cruise ship of that time, The Trade Wind, calling port on February 1955, had become a historical event. Receptions and festivities had been organized. A welcome committee, consisting of Aruban girls dressed for the occasion in specially designed gowns, stood ready on the quay to guide the tourists to the Oranjestad shopping-center. Almost all cars on the island streamed to the harbor, traffic jams were caused, and one wondered whether the Aruban population were setting forth to see the tourists or whether the tourists were here to see the island.

In 1961 the quaint restaurant De Olde Molen (The Old Mill) was established here. A mill was purchased in the Netherlands and carried across the ocean for this purpose.

But in this time, we stand at that point of redefine the product destination. Reconsider all assets. Recognize and respect local essences of existing cultural aspects and all native species, since these two are at risk of becoming endangered and even extinct. It is in hand of the general public to requesting legislative protection safeguarding and guaranteed protection for our ecosystem’s existence for our next generation and of our visitors. We must create awareness of our, yet unfathomed assets which could be lost without ever knowing of their existence.

To understand Aruba’s its origins, history and culture, we invite you to book your visit for a very personal cultural encounter going back over generations. Participate and enjoy an educational experience in to Aruba`s core. Come join us by confirming your participation, every morning at etnianativa03@gmail.com or through WhatsApp 297 592 2702..