Episode CLXXVIII 178: Aruban cherry season

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Etnia Nativa through Island Insight shares native cultural awareness educates and safeguards Aruba’s heritage and encourage readers to experiment an island keeper state of mind. Live and discover true destination values behind our beaches and commercial entertainment offerings. Discover the true native reasons of concern in every episode and uncover more reasons to love this incredibly wonderful rock called Aruba through this cultural blog.

In this episode we are raising awareness regarding this native wonder plant, aka Caribbean wild cherry and “shimarucu” for the Arubans Lin. Malpighia emarginata . This fruit is also commercially known as Acerola. The wild cherry plant is native to Central America and it’s found in the northern South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. The shimarucu is a very particular fruit and a companion for walks along the island’s trails. Its taste doesn’t resemble that of a cherry you buy in the supermarket and we natives like to enjoy it as a home remedy, to fight colds or prevent flu or simply savor it. Considering that it is a good nutrient and that has a high percentage of vitamin C which helps boost immunity.

Research supports that cherries in general are not only high in antioxidants but also abundant important vitamins and minerals such as potassium, which is known to reduce the risk of hypertension and certain cardiovascular diseases.


Cherries, despite being a small and sweet and sour fruit, it carries a series of health benefits that makes them exelent supplement to any food diet and have even earned recognition of the American Institute for Research Cancer (AICR) for being for being among the foods that fight cancer. A detail valid for all types of cherries and even for our “shimarucu” is that while they are more intensely red in color they have higher acidity and also higher antioxidant content, so make an “ugly face” and eat them, since they are very beneficial for your health.

Eating or drinking shimarucu as a supplement can help you meet your daily vitamin C needs, making it a boon during cold and flu season. As for its other claimed benefits (digestive aid, antidepressant, and athletic endurance, anti diarehea, and other conditions), scientific proof and research is available, while resent studies are revealing support to these claims.

If you love Aruba, its origins and it’s cultural heritage we encourage you to do something different outside the tourist grid. Become one of the exclusive and limited visitors of Etnia Nativa a private residential set up where you will be able to touch and be touched by authentic Aruba, admiring native art collections, archaic as well as archaeological artifacts, colonial furniture and items you’ll enjoy inside a recycled enviroment fully of peace and relaxation.

Etnia Nativa is since 1994 the home of Anthony, our columnist, artist and island expert who guides and lectures his guests through his resplendent home giving each visitor an authentic glimpse of Aruba. Be part of this fantastic opportunity and live the contemporary native experience! Appointment is required. + 297 592 2702 or. etnianativa03@gmail.com