Episode CCLIV – 254: Pia abao, bare feet

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Booking a magical glimpse inside Etnia Nativa

Article by Etnia Nativa call us 592 2702 and book your experience!

This week, it is all about connecting with the native aspects of your visit. A local spot links you with the mystical past, the island’s ethnic heritage, and colonial history. Ground yourself in an artistic-inspired occasion and widen your perception.

During this episode, we will share the benefits of walking barefoot and feel each grain of sand rubbing the soles of your feet, enjoying one of the greatest native pleasures known in Papiamento language as “pia abao,” feet down, down to earth, barefoot.

Practice and discover the benefits of walking completely barefoot—grounding to calibrate!

Walking barefoot on grass, sand, dirt, stones, etc. and letting these elements “massage” your feet has multiple benefits as it activates your circulatory system, improves your nervous system, and at the same time, if you walk barefoot on the beach, the salt and sand will act as natural exfoliators. Besides, when the waves break on your feet and legs, it helps us by tuning our muscles into relaxation mode.

In Aruba, children start walking barefoot and could remain barefoot, except for social and cultural limitations. We get so used to “being comfortable” and feeling our feet healthy that the greatest pleasure, even when we are old, is walking “pia abao.”

Barefoot gives the notion of being free of all discomfort; feet are more powerful, well developed, and versatile. The foot deformations in a growing part of the population that wears shoes, especially females, are attributed to the use of inappropriate shoes. Contact with the earth, practiced by diverse cultures around the world, yields great benefits, enhances health, and provides feelings of well-being.

Grounding is based on the idea that your body carries a positive charge that can build up inside of you, while the earth has a negative charge. By physically connecting with the Earth in some way, some scientists theorize that you are able to discharge your excess energy (positive charge), therefore potentially balancing a healing effect in your electrical body.

According to scientific studies, the modern lifestyle has separated most people from physically connecting with the earth in this way, and the result of that has been physiological imbalance and illness. But when you reconnect with the Earth, you’re able to plug in a healing and renewal mode.

For the most part, grounding is a safe practice, but you should be aware of what is going on around you. For instance, some experts indicate that walking barefoot through the grass can increase your risk of insect stings. There is also a chance of stepping on something that could injure your foot, like glass or thorns. If you are sensitive to insect stings, you will have to weigh the pros and cons of walking barefoot.

Many times we have little idea of the state of our feet, and sometimes shoes are an enemy of our health. If you have taken your first steps in a shoe, your foot has taken shape and developed habits according to the shoe you have worn. The footwear has even been able to compress your foot and even modify the way you walk and run.

Therefore, enjoy your vacation by putting into practice the return to a habit as natural as “pia abao.” Walking barefoot will allow you to achieve greater sensory stimulation; it will give you greater movement; you will perceive different temperatures; and you can do it like babies who use their little fingers to hold on to certain surfaces.

You can practice grounding in the traditional way: outside and reconnecting with the earth’s surface. Don’t miss the fantastic chance to go barefoot indoors at Etnia Nativa, where our main cultural columnist soaks adventurous travelers in a unique learning adventure through his private and magnificent museum-home dwelling that integrates reused materials with nature, bursting with culture and island heritage. Commendatory! Appoinment by Whats App: +297 592 2702 or etnianativa03@gmail.com