Closing times for restaurants, cafes, and casinos adjusted effective Sunday morning

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The Crisis Team recently announced that they have adjusted the closing times for restaurants, cafes, and casinos starting Sunday, October 17, 2021

Restaurants and Cafes are now allowed to remain open for one extra hour and should now close at 1:00 am instead of midnight, and Casinos can close at 2:00 am.

All other safety protocols remain valid:

  • The mandatory use of face masks indoors, including at gyms and school;
  • agglomeration ban in public areas like parking lots and beaches from 7:00 pm – 5:00 am;
  • dance floors and dancing is prohibited;
  • alcohol consumption in public areas is prohibited;
  • gatherings in public areas allowed for a maximum of 8 persons;
  • maximum 150 spectators allowed indoors and 250 outdoors at sports activities;
  • maximum 150 guests per nightclub, guests should be seated at all times with maximum 8 guests per table;
  • maximum 4 guests per table at bars and rum shops;
  • maximum 5 musicians performing at background music level, only satellite dancing allowed;
  • maximum 15 attendees at funerals if locations permits.