Chanukah parade literally lit up the Island 

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A stunning sight of 30 menorah topped cars paraded the island on Sunday just after sunset brining the message of Chanukah to the streets. 

It was a first in Aruba and the sight was met by cheering onlookers. Starting at the California Lighthouse- the joyful participants of the parade drove down the coast accompanied by police escorts and blasting Chanukah music to share the message of the lights. The parade ended at the Hyatt parking lot where the giant 9 foot menorah was lit with live music and participants were treated to an energy dance light show followed by latkes and donuts.

“It was really incredible to see the community come together and the excitement in the air as the parade of cars got ready to move.” Said Rabbi Ahron Blasberg, director of Chabad Aruba. “We are always trying to find new ways to bring the universal message of Chanukah to the wider community in Aruba. The message of the Chanukah lights is especially pertinent these days when sometimes the world seems so dark. The light of the eight branched menorah symbolizes peace and unity, the power of goodness over oppression and acts of loving kindness winning over negativity. Let’s take the universal message of Chanukah this year loud and clear and show the world that we in Aruba are ready to bring light to the world by being a little kinder and a little better. Just a little light pushes away myriads of darkness- so who knows what domino effect we can have?”

The Chanukah menorah parade was organized by Chabad Aruba as part of a worldwide initiative to bring the message of Chanukah to everyone.  We give thanks to the Noord Police Department for their police escort and to the Hyatt Regency Aruba for hosting the menorah lighting.

For more information about the activities of Chabad Aruba please visit