Business License Workshop organized by DEACI and IDEA a success

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On November 18, 2022, the Department of Economic Affairs, Commerce and Industry (DEACI), through their unit for Aruban Enterprise Development Initiative (IDEA) and in collaboration with their Business Establishing Unit, organized a Business License workshop.

Speaker Mrs. Mary Baarh, chief of the Business Establishing unit, presented the following:

Definition of a business; How to operate a business legally; What under article 2 of the Business Establishing Law without the required permits is prohibited; Who needs a business permit; Which companies or institutions are exempt; In addition to the law, what does the new management Guide mean; Three categories that classify as a natural person; Who classifies as a Local natural person; When can a permit be denied; Business permit expenses; What to consider when selecting a commercial name; Services provided by the Business Establishing unit; Demonstration of the website on the process of applying for a permit in digital form; How to track the progress of your permit application on the Join Information Portal; What to consider before establishing a business.

During and after the presentation, the speaker answered all questions posted by the participants.

The workshop was held at the office of the DEACI and had 38 participants.

IDEA is very satisfied with the workshop topics and positive feedback from the participants. It was a very informative workshop, according to the participants.

All IDEA’s events are free and dedicated to SMEs (Small & Medium Enterprises) and to everyone interested in starting a business and wanting to be educated more on various f commercial subjects.

Based on the interest in these subjects, IDEA will repeat the workshop in early 2023.

For more information on the workshops and upcoming events, please follow IDEA on Facebook @Idea-Aruba