Aruba Tourism Authority (A.T.A.): Ken Grille is honored as ‘Goodwill Ambassador’ for the continuous support to Aruba

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Aruba Tourism Authority (A.T.A.) representative Rayon Koolman recently had the great pleasure in honoring one of Aruba’s loyal visitors, Ken Grille. Grille has continuously shown his unconditional support for our ‘one happy island’ throughout many years, especially with the management of a closed group on Facebook named ‘All Things Aruba’.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Grille decided to stay on the island instead of returning to his home in New York, and made great use of his ‘All Things Aruba’ page to keep past and potential visitors well-informed of the developments taking place on the island. He also made use of his ‘All Things Aruba’ group to share his breathtaking pictures of Aruba with the group’s nearly 42,000 members worldwide. During this time, Grille also worked very closely with Rayon as well.

By providing members with timely and accurate information in regards to the developments on the island, while also conveying the unique experiences and beauty Aruba has to offer, Grille helps to promote our island as a vacation destination. In recognition of his continuous support and promotion of Aruba, the A.T.A. presented him with a ‘Goodwill Ambassador’ certificate as a way to say ‘Masha Danki’ for continuously choosing, supporting, and promoting Aruba as a favorite vacation destination.