Aruba Happy One Pass project was presented

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Thursday morning, minister of Tourism and Public Health, Mr. Dangui Oduber gave a presentation on the project Aruba Happy One Pass/Seamless Travel. A lot of work is being done on this project, which will create a much more pleasant experience for the tourists visiting our island.

Minister Oduber mentioned that for a while already he has been working with good collaboration with the company SITA and other stakeholders to make the project Aruba Happy One Pass/Seamless Travel a reality. This project will help promote our tourism by transforming the experience of each visitor, offering a better quality of service before they board the plane coming to our island.

The minister explained that during the first phase of the Seamless Travel Experience, Aruba will be working closely with airlines to optimize the check-in procedure initiated by the passenger. After this, the information of the passenger will go through the SITA system which will check right away if this matches the information that Government has approved on the ED card. These are the first steps to ensure a more comfortable and speedy experience for our visitors.

Minister Oduber said in a press release that his goal is to continue creating partnerships to continue developing this project in the entire hospitality industry so that more and more stakeholders can benefit of innovation to give better service to the guests. The main goal of Seamless Travel Experience is to promote a completely digital travel process, and make travelling to and from Aruba more efficient.

He said that he is sure that when the project is completed, the introduction to travel with digital credentials will attract more tourists. It will also position Aruba as a frontline in innovation and process in the entire tourism and hospitality industry while we continue protecting the quality of the product Aruba.