Aruba Art Fair: ‘Creating a platform for local and international art’

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Aruba Art Fair is welcoming you this weekend. The inspirational town of San Nicolas will be filled with art, culture, food and music. You cannot miss this opportunity to see another side of Aruba and connect to the local community. So hop in your car or take that cab to our ‘Street Art Capital of the Caribbean’.

The main street of San Nicolas presents you performing artists, artesans offering their hand made artifacts, poets and dancers, theatre and street artists. Also there will be a pop-up restaurant with an Indian theme catered by the Renaissance Aruba Resort. The magazine Forbes named San Nicolas the Street Art Capital City because of its colorful murals that were created by over 30 artists from all over the world. Local designers added their input to these open-air art works among others Robby Solognier, Armando Goedgedrag and George Rossel. This year the youngster Rachid Lowe (15) created one of the murals.

Art fair supports creative young people like the Gang di Arte, poets, dancers and musicians. Tonight the Art Fair will pay special attention to Aruba’s culture of music, food, traditions, art and identification. In that light the edition is called Caya Aruba. Sunday’s Art Fair highlights the multicultural face of the island whereas more than 30 nationalities will present their culture through dances, music and food. The focus will be on integration and eleminate war to unite.

International artists will show a 3D art work called ‘Optic augmentation or optical illusions’ while local artsist will create another jewel of mural drawing. Our local artists Elvis Tromp will be honored for his contribution of more than 50 years to the art of painting.

Aruba Art Fair 2019 starts at 7Pm and more information is to be found at Facebook Aruba Art Fair.q