Another special couple have been honored as Emerald Ambassadors. They have been coming to Aruba for over 40 years consecutively.

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They are Ludwik & Teresa Kowalczyk from Summit New Jersey. They are honorary guests at Aruba Beach Club, which has been their favorite vacation destination for so many years.

This lovely couple have any reasons why they keep coming to Aruba, especially the food, the warmth and friendliness of its people and the many people they have met throughout the years that have become more like family.

The Emerald Ambassador is the highest certificate that we present, and is given to visitors who have been visiting Aruba 35 years or more consecutively. Mr. & Mrs. Kowalczyk have been visiting Aruba for 40 years consecutively! The ceremony was one of importance because honoring visitors who have been coming to Aruba for over 35 years is incredibly rare and it was a very memorable moment for all of us.

Richardson and the representatives of the Aruba Beach Club were honored to be part of this memorable and special occasion. They hope to have Ludwik & Teresa as special guests for many years to come.