AAA’s Wings of Hope Energy Champion Competition Winner: Official Hand-over of solar panels to Colegio Cristo Rey

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Aruba Airport Authority N.V.’s (AAA) “Wings of Hope” (WoH) officially hands-over solar panels to Colegio Cristo Rey as the winner of the 1st ever Energy Champion Competition.

As part of WoHs Affordable and Clean Energy Goal, Colegio Cristo Rey was officially announced as the winner back in 2021 of the 1st ever Energy Champion Competition and received AWG 20,000.00 to execute their energy reduction plan which included the installation of solar panels. In the presence of AAA’s CEO Joost Meijs, WoH workgroup represented by AAA’s Armand Kelly, Christine Kaarsbaan-Leo, Keyli Vrolijk, Selkys Winterdaal and Angeline Flemming, Colegio Cristo Rey’s team and Ms. Baly from SKOA, the solar panels were officially handed over. With this installation, Colegio Cristo Rey is looking towards reducing their yearly energy consumption by 20%.

WoH’s competition was also held to raise awareness and spark curiosity among students and teachers on sustainable initiatives. After a successful 1st competition, WoH is proud to announce that there will be a second competition focused on United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This year’s competition will be open for primary and secondary schools to participate in, where each school will need to present their sustainable plan by choosing one or more of the SDGs as their goal. The winner of this year’s competition will receive AWG 20,000.00 to execute their sustainable plan.

WoH looks forward to continue including students and the Aruban Community in projects, and in doing so creating awareness on the importance of sustainable practices whilst encouraging all to embrace changes that create a better and more sustainable future for all.