A well-deserved recognition

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During this year’s celebration of the King’s birthday, His Majesty King Willem-Alexander, King of the Dutch Kingdom, a select group of people were recognized for their special life dedication to the community and/or environment.

This year, Turtugaruba board members Edith & Richard van der Wal were recognized as Knights in the Order of Oranje-Nassau (Ridder in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau) for their exemplary dedication and tireless effort in nature conservation in general, and especially the sea turtles of Aruba.

In his speech, the Governor of Aruba recognized Turtugaruba as one of the NGOs with the most dedicated hours per day. Edith & Richard are the heart of Turtugaruba Foundation, and with this recognition the tremendous effort of the entire foundation and all its volunteers is celebrated. A big thank you goes out to all who share the passion and dedication for sea turtle conservation in Aruba.