Council of Ministers receives bag with books in connection with the 30th edition of the Children’s Book Festival

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On Friday, November 4, 2022, the Children’s Book Festival will initiate at the Cas di Cultura at 5:00 pm.

It is the 30th edition of the Festival organized by the National Library of Aruba with the theme “Biba Natura-lesa”. In connection with the opening of the Children ‘s Book Festival, the Library Director, Mrs. Astrid Britten, and the festival’s coordinator, Mrs. Zetsia Ponson, visited the Council of Ministers, where they gave the ministers a goody bag with a book.

The Children’s Book Festival will take place from November 7 to November 11, 2022, at the National Library in Oranjestad and San Nicolas. The library invites the entire community, particularly the children, to be part of this book festival.

The schools are preparing for the book festival, and next week, writers and illustrators will promote reading among the children. Prime Minister Mrs. Evelyn Wever-Croes remarked, “When children read, a world opens to them that they will not get to know in another way, and that is something we need to inculcate more and more in our children and youth.”

Mrs. Zetsia Ponson stated that this year marks the 30th edition of the Children’s Book Festival with as theme “Biba Natura-lesa” – Long live nature. In connection with the 30th edition of the Festival, each minister received a gift bag containing two books, the festival book and the 30th edition book, which includes 30 songs produced for each edition of the Children’s Book Festival. Mrs. Ponson stated “We are happy that the Ministers are also promoting the Book Festival. Thirty years is a long time, and Friday, November 4, 2022, is the 30th edition of the festival at the Cas di Cultura starting at 5:00 pm.

The Children’s Book Festival was first organized in 1993 to promote reading and has grown ever since. It is becoming becomes bigger and bigger every year.

The library put together a magnificent program for the opening event at Cas di Cultura. This year, for the first time, it will include a video clip of the festival’s song. Library Director, Mrs. Astrid Britten stated, “We believe that as a library, we need to promote reading for the children to enjoy. Let us keep reading with joy and keep visiting the National Library.”

Minister of Education and Sports, Mr. Endy Croes, thanked the National Library for the books and expressed his support for the Festival. “It is great to promote, educate and inspire our children to read because reading improves your knowledge, which we support. Stimulate the children to read because the more you do it, the more you know, and the more you know the smarter you are.”

At the end of the encounter, the Prime Minister invited all parents, teachers, and all who influence children and the youth, to visit the children’s Book Festival.

The Prime Minister also expressed gratitude and appreciation to all the schools working hard and passionately to prepare for the Festival.