Aruba reports on the implementation of the SDGs together with the other countries within the Kingdom of the Netherlands

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To further encourage countries to implement the SDGs, the United Nations has set up the SDG Voluntary National Review (VNR) process, enabling countries to report on the implementation of the SDGs.

On July 14, 2022, all the countries within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, will present the progress made in implementing the SDGs to the United Nations and will also highlight some of the challenges faced. The implementation of the SDGs in Aruba has been captured in the Aruba SDG Report that will be presented to the UN as part of the report of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

The SDG Aruba commission, which was instituted to provide strategic direction and to coordinate the implementation of the SDGs organized different sessions to engage the community in order to identify good practices by local organizations in implementing the SDGs and was in charge of coordinating the inputs for and writing the Aruba report.

The Kingdom report, which includes the Aruba report can accessed online on the website under Netherlands


In September 2015 all member states of the United Nations (UN) unanimously adopted the World’s most ambitious and comprehensive program to help create a more sustainable world for all and setting 17 specific goals, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to be reached by 2030. Therefore, Aruba is also on board with the goal achievement efforts.

This global TO DO list sets an agenda where development is not only looked at from an economic perspective, but also includes social and environmental aspects. Effectively implementing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) framework and its very broad Agenda by 2030 and creating a more sustainable Aruba requires a more engaged and action-oriented community.

United and working together, ensures that we achieve more.