50 years visiting Aruba

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Recently, Kimberley Richardson of the Aruba Tourism Authority had the great pleasure to honor Aruba’s loyal and friendly visitors as Emerald Ambassadors of Aruba. The Emerald Ambassador certificate is presented to guests who visit Aruba 35 years and more consecutively.

The honorees were couple Ben & Karen Benita from USA. This couple has been visiting Aruba for 50 years! The first time couple Benita visited Aruba was in 1970, to celebrate their honeymoon. They fell so in-love with the island that as soon as they got back to USA, they got a dog, and named him Aruba. The couple went on by saying that many friends in the states were always asking them “Where did you get the name Aruba”. That is the point when couple Benita started recommending Aruba to everyone they know. In the mid 80s couple Benita even started hanging the Aruban flag together with the American flag outside their house. These honorees not only fell in-love with the island, but also brought family, grandchildren, friends, and neighbors to Aruba.

The ceremony was one of importance to us because honoring visitors who have been coming to Aruba for over 35 years is incredibly rare and IT was a very memorable moment for all of us.

Richardson together with the representatives of the Holiday Inn Beach Resort & Casino presented the certificate to the honorees, handed over some presents and also thanked them for choosing Aruba as their favorite vacation destination and as their home-away-from-home.