39 Customs officials graduated as Principal Clerks Import and Excise

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Recently, 39 Customs officials received their diplomas after completing the Principal Clerks Import and Excise Department program.

The program has a two-year duration, but due to the post-Covid-19 was shortened to 1 year.

This time, the program focused more on the practical part in which these officers learned from realistic and relevant cases related to the job description. This change is in line with the government’s vision to modernize the service provided by Customs to the community.

The Minister of Finance and Culture, Mrs. Xiomara Maduro, attended the graduation ceremony and gave a brief speech in which she congratulated these 39 Customs Officers on this special day but also thanked them for their efforts to continue to grow professionally in their career. The Minister expressed pride that Aruba now has 39 Principal Clerks Import and Excise who believe in their growth potential.

‘It is important as individuals and as professionals to keep developing as this contributes to a better Customs service to our community. Each investment in our formation is an investment in a better service to our community,’ the Minister stated.