10th Edition of Kids & Teens Christmas Song Festival

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Recently the 10th and final edition of Kids & Teens Christmas Song Festival 2022 took place at the Cas di Cultura.

Thirty participants, each dressed beautifully, presented their Christmas song in Papiamento on a very high level accompanied by a great All Star Band and with a completely sold-out audience.

The festival was broadcast live, so that Aruba could enjoy the talent of our children and teens through different media like television, radio and social media.

This year, the 10th edition of Kids & Teens Christmas Song Festival was dedicated to:
1. Edjean Semeleer, who aside from being a great singer, knows how to delight Aruba with different concerts during the festive season at the end of the year, like “Hey ta Pasco”, and is also a pillar to support our culture through his Go Cultura Foundation.

2. Tipico Katatumbo, which during the years delighted Aruba with the lovely ‘gaitas’ at the end of the year. What stands out in Tipico Katatumbo is that they are known for bringing a great atmosphere and rhythm to the end of the year, inculcating the love for our year-end traditions in the youth. This way, Katatumbo teeners was established.

The competition and the participants were at a very high level. The organizers thank Aruba Bank, Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds Caribisch Gebied, Setar N.V., the Department of Culture of Aruba, and Total Finance for making it possible for every participant to receive four training sessions with the band as well as a general training. They also thank each company that put together gifts and prizes for the participants. Thanks to the big team that worked together for a high quality festival, to the judges who took on the difficult task, the staff at the Cas di Cultura, and the public who supported all 32 participants.

Winners Category 4-7 years:

Absolute winner:

Jayzianne Theodora

Song: un kerstboom di foam.

Second place:

Alyna Henriquez

Song: Den un stal Cristo a nace.

Third place:

Marileen Willems

Song: Strea Bunita .

Winners Category 8-11 years:

Absolute winner:

Sofia Campo

Song: Ta Pasco awe.


Second place:

John Maynard Wever

Song: Celebra cu legria.


Third place:

Hailey Koolman

Song: Su angelnan.


Winners Category 12-17 years:

Absolute winner:

Jorienne Angela & Jaylon Machado

Song: Señor ta existi.


Second place:

Carl Anthony Petrocchi

Song: Bolbe Cas.


Third place:

Stephanie Quant

Song: Rumannan di mundo.


Fourth place:

Caylee Pietersz

Song: Pasco na cas.

The festival will be broadcast again these upcoming festive days on all local television channels.