Shake Hands for Hands4Addicts

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ORANJESTAD – The non-profit organization Hands4Addicts is organizing a fundraising this Saturday, April 14. The mission of this organization is to provide the addicts with basic humanitarian needs such as first aid, hygiene with a change of clothes along with a warm meal and a conversation.

Between 11 AM and 3 PM you can go to Radio station Heart 106.7 FM in Oranjestad to buy a Snack box and/or Cakebox and by doing that you support their work. “We want to change the way our community views and interacts with the addicts. They are also someone’s friend or family member and many times their basic needs get neglected. This is where we try to come in and help if we can. We do it for them!” The smiles on the faces of the volunteers say everything.

“To give back to our community, to see those smile these addicts give us, even if it’s just for a moment! We remind them always that there are still good people in this world and that we are here to support them, no matter the battle they are going thru!” The Fundraising event is to cover the Notary expenses that are necessary to make the organization a Foundation, meaning they can grow and help more frequently. For more information you can go to the Facebook page: Hand4Addicts or call + 297 592-9224.