With the help of Aruba Convention Bureau: Marklogic Corporation makes donation to Imelda Hof

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Recently the Aruba Convention Bureau together with Santa Rosa and ECO DMS, assisted Marklogic Corporation with a beautiful donation to Imelda Hof. The donation consisted of planting 3 fruit plants and also the installation of a bench in the garden.

What is Marklogic Corporation?
MarkLogic Corporation is an American software business that develops and provides an enterprise NoSQL database, also named MarkLogic. The company was founded in 2001 and is based in San Carlos, California. They also have offices in Europe, Asia, and Australia. In 2016, Marlogic was named one of the top 9 providers leading the marketing database by ‘Forrester Research’ and the company is seen as a ‘visionary” in the marketing database.

This year Marklogic Corporation came to Aruba to celebrate their‘ President’s Club,’ which recognizes their best employees. Besides their donation to Imelda Hof the company also has a goal to give back to communities all over the world. Seeing that the ceremony took place in Aruba, all the participants of Marklogic Corporation collected school supplies and donated these to JuricaTjon of The helping Hand Foundation, which is an organization that helps children with less resources.

During their stay the participants were able to enjoy differen tactivities and also tried the gastronomy the island has to offer.

Aruba Convention Bureau was honored to be part of this celebration in which the Company gave back to our community. A special thank you goes to Nathalie Maduro and Jennifer Gamez of Santa Rosa, Natalia Hernandez of Imelda Hof, Jose Henriquez of ECO DMS, and JuricaTjon of The Helping Hand Foundation.

Aruba Convention Bureau would like to thank Andie Putnam of Marklogic Corporation for choosing Aruba as their destination to celebrate their achievement.q