Website XII CAROSAI Congress

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The General Audit Chamber Aruba, in addition to its task of auditing the efficiency and legality of public funds of Land Aruba, also holds the presidency of the regional organization CAROSAI.

CAROSAI is the organization of Supreme Audit Institutions in the Caribbean established in Trinidad and Tobago on August 7, 1988. Membership in CAROSAI is open to the Supreme Audit Institution in the Caribbean and currently consists of twenty-three (23) member countries/islands.

CAROSAI is governed by an Executive Committee and is currently chaired for the next three (3) years by the General Audit Chamber Aruba. CAROSAI is one (1) of the seven (7) regional organizations that belong to the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions – INTOSAI-. INTOSAI has provided an institutional framework for the highest body in a country for over 50 years.

The purpose of INTOSAI is to promote development and knowledge transfer and improve the audit of government agencies in all parts of the world and the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) capacity in their respective countries.

The SAI organized a congress of Supreme Audit Institutions in hybrid form for the first time during the last XII Congress of CAROSAI held in May 2022. It is to encourage online participation. They also developed a dedicated website,, where more information is available on the congress events, speakers, and presentations at the XII CAROSAI congress. For additional information, you may consult the website of the General Audit Chamber Aruba:, as well as the digital platform of the National Library of Aruba.

More information about the next OLACEFS congress, which will take place in Oaxaca de Juárez, Mexico, from September 20-24, 2022, is available at

You may find information on the INTOSAI – XXIV INCOSAI 2022 Congress, which will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from November 7-11, 2022, via The Netherlands Court of Audit will be present at both congresses as the Chairman of CAROSAI.

The central theme of the XXIV INTOSAI Congress is “The work of Supreme Audit Institutions in the face of public calamities” and “Global voice, global outcome, and far-reaching impact.” During this congress, the president of CAROSAI, Ms. Xiomara Croes-Williams, will present a “Declaration”, as a result of the XII CAROSAI Congress.