Trash 2 Cash’s Pitch & Switch Event: a step towards durable waste management

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On March 22, 2022, a group of participants presented their plans to an expert panel during the “Pitch & Switch” event of Trash 2 Cash at the Renaissance Convention Center.

The Minister of Integrity, Transport, Nature, and Elderly Care, Ursell Arends, announced this event was on February 22, 2022.

The participants presented 24 pitches to the panel of experts. They discuss their ideas and the cooperation required from the Government to carry out recycling, re-purpose and reduce the different waste streams.

Initially, they received 34 pitches, and 31 were selected to be presented during the Pitch & Switch Event. Now that these companies did present their ideas, the Government, commercial organizations, and stakeholders are moving forward to the next step and will seek the best durable solution for waste management in Aruba.

A solid base is required in the community to enforce legislation. The infrastructure and legislation must be in place to redirect the waste streams, making it possible for the involved parties to process this waste.

It is essential to state that Trash 2 Cash does not compromise the Government to any financial commitment. The role of the Government is as a facilitator. It is responsible by law to establish the norms, conditions, and criteria. The Minister wants to work together in finding a durable solution for the waste issue in Aruba and finally put an end to the Parkietenbos dump.

The Government’s objective is to precipitate recycling activities and the circular economy as soon as possible and needs the collaboration of the entire community to take the necessary steps.

Now it is the task of the expert panel and the event organizer to analyze all the collected data presented. Upon completion, it will present its analysis to the Minister, who will take the steps needed to solidify the proposal.

For more information, please visit and or the Facebook page Trash to Cash Aruba.