Tourists love the tradition of camping in Aruba!

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On a Facebook page dedicated to tourists who have visited or are going to visit Aruba, a post about a camping setup at Rodgers Beach caught their attention for its creativity and art.

As is tradition for many years, Arubans enjoy the Easter holiday days camping by the sea. A large number of Arubans, whole families, follow this tradition and enjoy a few days away from their homes by the sea.

Every year the campsites become more elaborate. Previously, this only happened with tents, and now it has progressed to trailers as well, some even with air conditioning, elaborate tents, and much more. The campsites offer all the comforts of home to have a wonderful holiday by the sea.

Recently, a specific camping setup received attention from tourists on Facebook. It is a campsite in San Nicolas that stands out for its creativity and art.

“Sharing this campsite next to us at Rodgers Beach this morning. It made me smile. Very beautiful,” the post says along with a photo of the colorful setup.

The post received positive reactions and comments from other tourists who praised this long-standing tradition of Aruba.

“How much I love this tradition”; “I liked the creativity. We always enjoy Easter”; “Love this, a wonderful tradition. Love Aruba,” and “It made me smile too,” are some of the comments left by tourists on this post.