Thousands of Belgian youths protest for more climate action

Youths shout slogans as they march during a climate protest in Brussels, Thursday, Feb. 28, 2019. This is the eighth week in a row that school students have skipped school to protest, with one march of about 3,000 in Antwerp and a few thousand in Brussels and other provincial centres. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)
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Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg has led thousands of Belgian students in a climate change march — the second she’s led in as many weeks to draw more attention to the topic.

It was the eighth week in a row that school kids have skipped school to protest. Numbers have come down from the tens of thousands recorded earlier — there was one march of about 3,000 in Antwerp Thursday, and several thousand in Brussels and provincial centers.

Thunberg has become her generation’s voice on climate change after inspiring students around the world to go on strike to express their anger and angst over global warming.

Student leaders are planning another march next week.q