Third climate Action event hosted by Climate Action Aruba

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On Friday, September 24TH, 2021, Climate Action Aruba is organizing its 3rd Climate event to support the young climate activists and to express their concerns about Aruba, asking for more concrete Climate Action from government and enterprises, to convince Aruba’s leaders to take a more active approach to this crisis.

There is a deep and worldwide concern about the future. Humanity is causing mass extinction of species, biodiversity is waning, nature is disappearing and the global climate system is in a catastrophic crisis. The latest report of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) states that if by the year 2030 we have not taken swift and decisive measures we will no longer be able to stop the irreversible climate breakdown.

In 2016 all countries in the world (195) signed a legally binding treaty, the Paris Agreement, to take the necessary measures to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius, and to aim to limit the increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius, since this would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change. They promised to start lowering GHG emissions immediately to ultimately reach a climate-neutral world by 2050.

At the next conference (COP26) in November, all countries have to submit their plans and strategies to reach the goals of the agreement and cut their emissions. It is the most significant climate event since the Paris Agreement six years ago. It will be crucial that real progress is made in order to be able to stop the ongoing climate crisis. 2021 will be a historic year, the year we either lose sight of the Paris targets, or the year we start implementing the plans and drastically lower emissions.

The clock is ticking….

Young people are now growing up with the challenges of the Climate Crisis and will have to deal with it for the rest of their lives. That is why people all over the world are organizing strikes and climate action events.

20 – 27th of September 2021 is the ‘Global Week on Climate Action’, with people of all ages joining in climate actions around the world, demanding urgent actions from their leaders. No promises and vague long-term plans anymore, but actual and urgent climate action. They are fighting for their future.

They want government and large corporations to:

  • Lower greenhouse-gasses by retreating from fossil fuels, towards emission-free energy.

Lower the carbon emissions with 50% by 2030 and reach net zero emisions by 2050 to stay below 1,5⁰C warming of global temperatures.

  • Protect the environment, nature and biodiversity

Aruba as a small island state is under threat too because of Climate Change and a lack of protection of its environment. Multiple plant and animal species are in danger of extinction or have gone extinct already. Warming of the ocean causes more and stronger hurricanes. Ocean-acidification, dying corals and rising sea-levels are a great threat to our people and environment. The future is at stake.

We as individuals have to take up our responsibility by making changes in our own lives, but Aruba as a country has to do its share too.

A lot of NGO’s, organizations and individuals share that common goal: to protect the environment, Aruba’s nature and its fauna and flora, all in their own different ways. You do too, and with passion! The love for Aruba and the concern we have about Climate Change and the effects it is having on our way of life, our fauna and flora unites us.

Join our efforts in demanding urgent, concrete actions from our government and business-leaders, to step up the effort, improve climate action plans and execute them with urgency.

Individuals, schools, NGO’s and businesses will join, each with their own reasons why they feel urgent Climate Action is needed.

How can you, your school or organization participate?

  1. Start by signing the on-line petition to our government asking for swift and decisive measures to lower emissions and to protect our environment.

  1. Because Covid19 is still around we have thought of a fun and safe way to participate!

Instead of posting in person in front of parliament you can drive-by and leave a pair of shoes with us. We will set them on the lawn depicting your presence. You can attach a little note or a Climate Action banner to put next to the shoes. If you can’t make it on the day itself, on the days before (Wednesday and Thursday) there will be a drop-off bin at the University of Aruba to deposit your shoes.

  1. You can take a picture of your personal Climate Action, the Climate Action of your school or with your colleagues and post it on-line with #ClimateActionAruba3.0 or #FridaysforFuture
  2. Or you can join us in front of parliament. Make sure to keep a safe distance and wear a mask when necessary. Carry a banner or sign with your reason(s) to join. State the name and colors of your organization you represent.

Important notice: Please tie your shoes together in pairs. In case you want your shoes back afterwards, put your name on the tag. They can be picked up on-site until 18.30pm or the next day in front of the post-office between 10-12am. The shoes that have not been picked up after that time will be donated to charity.

Follow our actions on Facebook ‘Climate Action Aruba’ or on Instagram.

This action is registered at #FridaysforFuture and will be mapped on the world map as a Climate action for Aruba.