The ‘seroprevalence research’ continues

TILBURG Medewerkers testen op infectieziekten in het laboratorium van een ziekenhuis. In het laboratorium wordt getest op het coronavirus. per dag worden 500 mensen gestest op corona laborant buisjes ROBIN UTRECHT
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For the department of public health it is extremely important to know the percentage of people in our community who have already contracted the Covid-19 virus. A ‘seroprevalence research’ is being conducted which consist of a blood test being taken from different persons in the community to see if they have anti bodies for the virus SARS-CoV-2 which causes the Covid-19. People of all ages, gender and different districts are being tested.

Recently, the Department of Public Health send out a total of 2.854 invitations to different households asking for collaboration for this research. This research is for a good cause and very well needed. If you are one of the persons who received this invitation you will need to go to, register and login onto the Aruba Health App, insert the code received in your inviation letter and follow instructions. Your participation to this research is very appreciated.

For more information on this please contact the department of public health at 280.0101 or send an email to