The Power of Forgiveness

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Forgiveness is the best catalyst in dissolving the ego. Most see forgiveness as a sign of weakness yet it truly is empowering oneself. The ego would love to blame or place guilt on oneself or others and this causes psychological pain to be experienced either by ourselves or towards others. Eventually healing oneself or our relationship with others can only be experienced through true forgiveness, knowing that others only are acting according to their minds conditioning and nothing more.

Suresh Mirchumal is a spiritual writer. “Well, you can categorize it like that, although I don’t call myself one. These thoughts come in effortlessly.” His aim is in a way to reach out to whoever gets inspired or has an eye opening event within them that may transcend their current state of consciousness. “Or let’s say current emotional state too. If one in a thousand benefits, that is already great.” Due to the current world state, lots of struggles and stresses, we seem to lose touch with that inner peace that we long for, Suresh explains. “I wish to ease that through these small articles or tidbits.” You will find his tidbits in Aruba Today, like a sunray of the day. If you wish to make use of Suresh his services like meditation or just a talk, please email to: