The Minister of Culture declares: The publication of ‘The Archeology of Aruba: The Pictographs and Petroglyphs’ is of great value to our cultural heritage.

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An archeological scientific catalog has been presented at the Archaeological museum of Aruba. This book is a compilation of results of the investigation lead by archaeologists Aad Versteeg and Harold Kelly based on the drawings dating from 1827 made by the indigenous people that lived on the island.

During the ceremony, Mrs. Ruby Eckmeyer, a representative from the Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs and Culture, directed her comments to the audience on behalf of the minister Xiomara Ruiz-Maduro stating that the Minister praised the way these two great archaeologist teamed up to make such a wonderful publication.

‘The Archeology of Aruba: The Pictographs and Petroglyphs’ is a project of great value to Aruba. The minister wishes that this investigative work to be of great input in order for Aruba to someday make it on the UNESCO World Heritage list. With this, we will be able to show the world the culture we inherited from the indigenous people. The entire community of Aruba needs to be taught to protect and help conserve our cultural heritage. This book will give information to our future generations in order for them to learn to appreciate and enjoy our history and the drawings on the rocks.

Eckmeyer, on behalf of the Minister of Culture thanked Mr. Evelino Fingal who came up with the idea of this publication. Versteeg and Kelly were also thanked for their outstanding documentation. A special “thank you” was given to Fundacion 1403 sought funds for this publication.

Works are underway to have the archaeological museum open soon in order to share the rich history of our island to each and every one interested in our heritage.q