The first three students of the EPI traveled to Ireland and Belgium for their internship financed by Erasmus+

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Representatives of Colegio EPI and three students are currently in Ireland and Belgium for their internship thanks to the Erasmus+program and financing.

On January 20, 2023, student Warren Maduro of the Hospitality and Tourism unit signed an agreement, in the presence of the EPI Director, teachers, and family, to travel on Sunday, January 23, 2023, to Ireland for his internship of 4 months. It is a significant achievement for the student, but particularly for the EPI College since it is the first time Erasmus+ financed one of their students for the 4-month long international internship.

Warren Maduro will do his internship at the prestigious Slieve Russel Hotel. The EPI’s partner in Ireland is Southwest College.

Just two weeks after the first student left for his international internship, Justin Lopez of the Hospitality and Tourism Unit and Shirley Acosta Herrera of the Economy Unit signed their agreement and traveled on February 9, 2023, to Gent, Belgium. The representatives of Erasmus+ welcomed them in Gent and will guide them during their stay.

Justin initiated his internship at Van der Valk Hotel in Gent, and Shirley started her internship at Go! Scholengroep Dynamiek.

Their teachers at the EPI and their internship supervisors at their respective institutions, will guide Warren, Justin, and Shirley.

In the past, Colegio EPI granted five students the opportunity to explore Belgium for two weeks, financed by Erasmus+. The students will explore the country, its culture, the different schools, and the education system. The current project is to send three students for their international internship.

Colegio EPI wishes Warren, Justin, and Shirley much success with their internship in Belgium and Ireland.